Delivery Announcement! Another Vactor delivery and training day! Big thank you to Rostraver Twp. Thank you for letting us serve you! For more information on Vactor Sewer Trucks, please visit our product page. Click on the link here.
Delivery and Training Day for Rostraver Twp.
Oct 16, 2019 11:36:00 AM / by Kate Zombeck posted in A&H Company News, A&H Deliveries & Demos, Storm & Sewer Industry
CES Brings Accuracy and Skill to Cross Bore Inspection
Oct 15, 2019 9:00:18 AM / by Kate Zombeck posted in Storm & Sewer Industry
Founded in 1995, Compliance EnviroSystems, LLC (CES) focused exclusively on traditional mainline inspections and off-road specialty work. Its team became wellknown for their ability to identify existing issues and prevent future crises in the sewer systems they assessed. In 2015, the company added a new service locating cross bores for natural gas companies. Its first project was with a major contracting partner managing a heavy workload across Louisiana and Texas. The project required a complete inspection of both sewer and lateral lines to ensure the areas were free of dangerous gas line cross bores.
Working Smarter Against Inflow & Infiltration (I&I)
Oct 2, 2019 9:07:45 AM / by Kate Zombeck posted in Storm & Sewer Industry
Primary sources of inflow and infiltration (I&I) include leaky manholes, lateral connections and sewer mains–yet too often rehabilitation efforts target assets indiscriminately. And while I&I can account for up to 45% of the throughput at a treatment plant, an analysis-driven strategy to address I&I is seldom discussed. If municipalities identify I&I problem areas, they can address the defects found in a comprehensive manner—adding to their success rate. By implementing a total system approach of inspecting for sources of I&I and then planning rehabilitation efforts accordingly, municipalities can achieve approximately a 50% reduction of I&I.
Test Your Inflow and Infiltration Knowledge with this Quiz
Sep 25, 2019 2:44:29 PM / by Amanda posted in Pittsburgh Sewer Crawlers, Pittsburgh Sewer Rentals, Storm & Sewer Industry
Infiltration occurs when groundwater seeps into sewer pipes through cracks, leaky pipe
joints and/or deteriorated manholes. Inflow is stormwater that enters the sewer system
through rain leaders, basement sump pumps or foundation drains illegally connected to
the sewer. The impact on treatment and maintenance costs is substantial, and many
wastewater crews prioritize identifying and mitigating sources of inflow and infiltration
(I&I) in their systems.
Growing with Cross Bore Inspections: A Sewer Inspection Contractor’s Story
Sep 15, 2019 2:37:58 PM / by Amanda posted in Inspection Sewer Cleaning, Pipe Inspections for Sewer, Pittsburgh Sewer, Pittsburgh Sewer Rentals, Storm & Sewer Industry
He started off as a small excavation contractor, but Neil Buchanan has always had big
An Untapped Market: Cross Bore Inspections
Aug 30, 2019 2:33:22 PM / by Amanda posted in Cross Bore Inspection Services, Envirosight Rentals, PA Sewer Rentals, Pittsburgh Sewer Rentals, Storm & Sewer Industry
An increasing number of municipalities and gas utilities are looking towards cross bore
The Missing Piece in Combatting I&I: Manhole Inspections
Aug 8, 2019 10:04:40 AM / by Kate Zombeck posted in Storm & Sewer Industry
The inspection and rehabilitation of sewer pipelines is only one step in minimizing the
flow of otherwise clean water to treatment plants. Manholes are failing at a rate faster
than sewer pipelines. Modern manhole inspections can help municipalities avoid high
treatment costs and expensive regulatory actions; however, they remain the most
overlooked segment of sewer infrastructure in the search for inflow and infiltration (I&I).
Steelton Borough took delivery of their new Envirosight ES RovverX Camera and Van
May 29, 2019 2:29:05 PM / by Kate Zombeck posted in Envirosight PA Rentals, Envirosight RovverX PA Dealer, A&H Deliveries & Demos, RovverX Dealer in WV, RovverX Sewer Crawlers in PA, Storm & Sewer Industry
Congrats on your new sewer inspection system! Steelton Borough took delivery of their new ES RovverX camera and van. Envirosight
Old Lycoming Township Delivery Day!
May 29, 2019 2:25:24 PM / by Kate Zombeck posted in A&H Deliveries & Demos, Pennsylvania Sewer Truck Rentals, Rapid Deployment Boom on Vactor 2100i, Storm & Sewer Industry, Vactor Sewer Trucks
Another happy customer! 3 day training session with Old Lycoming Township on their Vactor 2100i with water recycler. Check out that color red! Vactor
Serving our Pittsburgh Community - A&H Equipment
May 29, 2019 2:18:24 PM / by Kate Zombeck posted in A&H Company News, Containment Sewer Trucks, Large Sewer Equipment, Rapid deployment boom, Storm & Sewer Industry, Vactor Sewer Trucks
Through snow storms, natural disasters, flooding, landslides, and even water main breaks, there is one thing that’s indisputable...