The main selling point on the Broom Badger is the fact that you do not require a commercial drivers license to operate it. Its the only four wheel sweeper Elgin offers that is non-CDL. This comes in handy for municipalities and contractors alike, as operators can be difficult to come by.
Another favorite characteristic of the Broom Badger is its maneuverability. It is mounted on an Isuzu NRR class 5 cabover chassis. The cabover design has a shorter wheel base and tighter turning radius allowing for easier maneuverability in tight spaces, as well as better visibility than a conventional chassis. It also has a large hopper that can be dumped anywhere from ground level to ten feet high, giving the operator many options when it is time to offload.
In my opinion the Broom Badgers greatest quality of all, is its versatility. The Broom Badger can be used in many applications. From parking lots and tight spaces to highways, to spring and fall municipal cleanup, and it can be positioned almost in any type of environment. For this reason, A&H Equipment keeps a large number of Broom Badgers in our rental fleet. Oil and gas companies, paving contractors, sweeping contractors, municipalities all rent Broom Badgers from our fleet.
So when you are thinking about your next street sweeper, whether it be a new purchase, a used purchase or a rental, give the Elgin Broom Badger a try. I think you’ll like it! We offer free demonstrations.
Andrew Bakken, Territory Salesman
The Solutions You Trust Since 1963