A&H Equipment Blog

A&H Announces 3rd Quarter Promotion

Written by Kate Zombeck | Jul 18, 2019 2:28:08 PM

Economical to operate and less downtime when tool needs repair

Long service life:  1,600-1,800 service hours before maintenance is needed

--Hardened steel fins that are individually replaceable

--longer lasting carbide nozzles

--flush head style protecting seals

--longer lasting carbide seals

--design change allowing longer life of viscous fluid

Magnums are customizable for all applications

*Descaling ports come standard—plug or use inserts to increase applications tool can be used for

*Additional fin sizes available for different pipe sizes

*Fewer hang-ups due to economic design

Testimonials from customers around the United States:

-- I love that the Magnum needs less maintenance.  I use it 8 hours a day and it does everything from pulling concrete and cutting roots to descaling. -Ben Perez, City of Fullerton

--We eliminated use of Rootsaws with our conversion to Magnums. -Brad Phillips, City of Kansas City, KS


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